Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CSQ honored

CSQ has been invited by the Hanover Veterans Committee to lay the wreath at the Vet. Memorial at Hanover Wayside Park!  What an honor!
We need 3 more people to volunteer to do this. Anyone interested please leave a comment so saying and the first 3 to respond will be chosen.  I will need to let them know the names of the presenters by May7.    Of course everyone is welcomed & encouraged to attend the event and CSQ will have reserved seats if I can let them know approx. how many will attend (also by May7).
We would need to be at Hanover Wayside Park ( on Rt. 301 about 5 mi. east of Hanover Courthouse)
on Monday May 27, (Memorial Day) by 9:20 a.m.  
If you want more info give me a call.
I think this is a great honor and hope many CSQ members will attend.
Be sure to leave a comment if you'd like to be one of the presenters.


  1. What an honor for Country School Quilters to be asked to place a wreath at the Veteran's Memorial at Hanover Wayside Park on this special day. I'll be there!

  2. I'm going to try to make it as well.
