Sunday, January 27, 2019

February update - Sewing days 2/8 and 2/9 meeting 2/12

After a super-charged January program by Vicki, we continue to rev up our Veterans and Scrap Quilt efforts with a program by Gwendolyn that focuses on using our fabulous stashes (We know who we are!!). Gwendolyn writes: Scrap quilts offer creative possibilities to play with color and patterns. They can be traditional or modern. We'll look at examples of both and introduce a new block of the month for a group veterans quilt. To participate: Cut 4 four-inch squares of any dark or medium fabric (any color except yellow) and sew together into a four patch unit. We'll be placing them on the diagonal with alternate blocks in a light or yellow fabric from my stash." Please bring blocks to Feb and/or March meeting (multiples are good!), and during sewing days Gwendolyn will bring blocks for laying out and stitching up together in case anyone wants to help with that part of the process.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Flickr Account

I think by now that everyone knows that we have the Flickr account where Margaret generously uploads photos from our meeting each month. Flickr has implemented some new policies to limit the size/age of libraries and Margaret has received notice that our older photos will be deleted.

Margaret has downloaded to her computer all of the photos from 2013 - 2015 and she will start deleting those files January 31. If you want any of those photos for yourself please go to the Flickr site and download the photos that you want. Here's the link:

Margaret is not going to be making copies of the archived photos. She's just keeping them until we discuss what to do with them. If you want any of the photos you need to download them yourself before January 31.

At the next meeting we should discuss archiving of photos. Do we really want to keep these photos forever or should we have some sort of policy where the photos are deleted after a period of time, say 2 years.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Veterans Quilt Patterns links

Thanks to everyone who was interested in my veterans quilt patterns tonight and, to those not interested thank you for not heckling me. 😀 Here are the links to the instructions for all of the quilts that I shared at the meeting. Click on the quilt name to go to the tutorial.

As a bonus I shared this quilt that's made with 4" finished half-square triangles. Make 180 4" HST blocks that are half light and half dark and have fun arranging them. Here's one that I made plus some other ideas for arranging the blocks.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 8 Meeting

Just a reminder to bring your W.H.E.A.T. donations. We support W.H.E.A.T. with non-perishable food, supplies, and cash/checks each December - and due to the snow cancelling our December meeting we are starting the new year off by remembering those in our community who benefit from our giving.

It's time to pay our annual CSQ membership fee of $15.00.

ALSO, and this is very important, please fill out the form requested by Hanover County Parks and Recreation. This is something they require us to do each year. It helps them validate the use of the building, which we do so at no charge.

So having said all that, looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting on Tuesday - program by Vicki and bring your show & tell!

Also mark your calendars for Friday and Saturday Jan 11 & 12th to sew together. . .