Monday, November 19, 2018

Program Notes in the season of Thanksgiving!

It's been so much fun to be a part of our programs this year because of YOU ALL! Thank you to Becky B., Debbie Q., Denise Z., Diane L., Estelle P, Laura H., Margaret G., Rita G.,  who have brought us interesting and wonderful new ideas in the form of a program! And, of course, thank you to everyone who has enthusiastically welcomed and embraced each of our courageous partners willing to share their passion for the craft and the art of quilting! This is truly a talented and giving group! I have learned so much from each discussion, and I know I am not alone!

And, as the end of this year approaches and a new year starts to unfold, I want to ask each of you to consider being a part of 2019 programs for our quilt club! I want to approach 2019 differently.... Instead of asking the group what do we want to hear about, I want us as individuals to think about what do we want to share about? If you have passion & excitement, or fear and loathing of a particular technique, I would betcha you would find willing support within this group of us!

So, I have already heard from 2 people who have come forward to say they are willing to do a specific program next year -- thank you, thank you to Vicki & Miriam. Now, I only need a few more of us. Please let me know with a phone call or an email or a text telling me your topic and a preference for a date, remembering we do have potlucks 2 times a year, Trash to Treasures in Sept or Oct, and that we plan to have our big "quilt show in Montpelier" in Sep & Oct. What do YOU want to share?

Jan. 8 -- Vicki "Three Easy Veterans Quilt Patterns"

Miriam - date TBD - "Beautiful strips" (I've taken liberty to title this, but have already been inspired by Miriam's "strip" topic)

Marcy - date TBD - "Love, & Fear & Loathing of  __X____" (what I do when intimidated by a technique - find another way!)

Here are dates to consider and claim as yours.....

Feb.12  Mar. 12  Apr. 9  May 14  Jun. 11  July 9   Aug. 13   Sept. 10   Oct. 8  Nov. 12   Dec. 10

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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