Sunday, October 28, 2018

Correction:Upcoming events - November & December

It always seems that the fall months are very crowded with events, but I do look forward to these next 2 months with our group:

Correction: December sewing days are Dec. 7th & 8th

November 9 & 10th we have the opportunity for "sewing days" at the Hanover Parks & Rec center in Montpelier. Come and sew anytime on Friday &/or Saturday! Work on whatever makes you happy, because it truly is amazing how much you can get done with all the cheerleading we all get from one another!

November 13th we have our regular monthly meeting, and we're asking everyone to bring a newly found tool or gadget or technique that you are presently enjoying. Hopefully, this means lots of show and tell to accompany the topics! Denise Z. will lead us in this group activity; please show her lots of support by bringing something to share. Thanks, Denise!

Also at the November meeting, plan to participate in our last "group challenge" by bringing your 10" square of ugly fabric and a 3 x 5 card with your name and address on it. For those participating, you will draw someone else's name and make a postcard using the ugly fabric you pick to be sent in time for our January 8th meeting!

On December 11th, we will have our annual potluck holiday festivities. Plan to join us, and share an old or new holiday tradition with good food and lots of joy. We also intend to support WHEAT, and so canned goods or cleaning products are welcomed as contributions for those in need in our community. If you haven't had a chance, you can still join in the postcard ugly fabric challenge!

On December 14th & 15th, our last sewing days of 2018 could provide some needed respite from the hubub of the holidays, or maybe just give us a chance to make one item to get in the mail before the end of the year????

Start thinking about programs for 2019! What would YOU like to see or hear about? Feel free to send an email or ideas to

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