Tuesday, February 11, 2020

New Photo Album and need for a new Program Coordinator

Photo Albums

Thanks to a lot of work by Margaret Griffiths we have a new photo album! Our old album reached the max limit. We discussed in a previous meeting that we would not download older photos and people were given time to download any photos that they wanted to keep. We now have a new album with photos starting with the 2019 meetings.

New Photos starting in 2019

Program Coordinator

Last month Marcy asked for a volunteer to take over the Program Coordinator role that she has had for over 2 years. Marcy has done a great job for us as did Julie before her! We are grateful to both for giving us some great programs for the past several years. Our group is only as good as the contribution of our members. 

For anyone considering taking over this role for a while I thought I'd give you some background on what's involved and, maybe, some motivation to take on this role for a while. 

There are 12 programs each year and 3 of them are always already set:
July - pot luck
October - Trash to Treasure
December - pot luck and WHEAT collection

That leaves 9 programs to schedule and we have a lot of talent to pull from. Most of the work involves asking people to do programs and coordinating the schedule. If you are not comfortable doing a program you can make the program coordinator's job easier by committing to be responsible for a program and inviting a guest to do a program. If we each did that we would have programs schedule out for several YEARS!

This weekend at sewing we sat around and brainstormed ideas for programs. Is there something here that you could do or know someone that could do for a program?

  1. With the ever popular 2.5" jelly rolls it would be nice to have a
    program on different ways (patterns?) to use them. Do you use Jelly Rolls a lot and can share some pattern ideas for them?
  2. A program on batting - discuss the pros/cons of various batts. We
    could probably get one of companies to send us samples.
  3. Member show and tell for a particular style of quilt (log cabin, stars, etc). Maybe include a presentation on history of the block
  4. Show and tell favorite quilting book
  5. First Quilt/ Last Quilt
  6. English paper piecing 
  7. Embellishment techniques for quilts
  8. Making quilt labels
  9. Binding techniques/binding embellishments like piped binding
  10. Hand embroidery stitches
  11. Show and tell favorite/least favorite gadgets
  12. Mistake month - everyone bring in a mistake (colors, damage, out of square, etc.). Talk about how you fixed it and how to avoid it in the future
  13. Bring in an old quilt and tell the story of it
  14. Veterans mystery quilt (Vicki will plan this)
  15. Machine raw edge applique (Nancy volunteered to do this one)
  16. Do you know a physical therapist that could come in and talk about exercises/stretches for quilting, rotary cutting, etc.?
  17. A couple of years ago we had an orphan block program where we took orphan blocks and the designed new quilts with them and created kits that were returned at the next meeting. We might do something like that again.
  18. Would one of our artists be willing to do a program on a specific design concept?
  19. Small handmade gifts - maybe a few months before Christmas
  20. Recycling ideas for batting and fabric scraps
  21. Curved piecing tips (Durnkard's path, Cleopatra's Fan)
  22. Half square triangle design ideas
  23. Quilt game night
  24. Art quilters discussion of how they get inspiration and translate that into fabric
Maybe something on this list will give you an idea for a program that you can do and hopefully, convince someone (or a couple of people) that they can take on coordinating programs.

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