Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Veterans Quilts Update

Lots of quilting going on around here this month! This stack brings to total number of quilts that I've quilted this year to 38. I have at least 8 more here to be quilted. After today I will have completed 40 (plus 7 more that I made myself). 40 is my max commitment for a year.

Marcy and Denise are going to help me quilt a few of the ones that I have left.

For the next 2 months I have some projects of my own that I need to work on so I will not be taking any veteran quilt tops in August or September. If I get caught up I might start taking them again in October or November.

But I will be ordering more backing and we have batting so if you want to quilt your own quilts I'll be happy to bring batting and backing for you. Just give me a couple of week's notice before a meeting so I'll have time to dye a backing for you.

I'll let you know before the October meeting when I will be taking in more tops.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Vicki! We all really appreciate all the quilting you do to finish our veteran quilts and your hand-dyed backing fabrics kicks them up a notch above the average. Thanks again for all you've done - now enjoy your own projects.
