Here's your friendly reminder about our November meeting and meet-ups:
Sewing days are early this month due to scheduling changes at the County. Our sewing days are THIS weekend, Friday November 3 and Saturday, November 4th. Hanover County does want us to register and you can do that here. We are listed under Clubs and Social.
The next meeting of CSQ is Tuesday, November 14, at 7:00 pm. The program will be Fabric Snip and Rip. Please bring a 1 yard (minimum) piece of fabric suitable for a veteran quilt. We will use a game format to redistribute fabric pieces to everyone. Then use your fabrics to make 2 unfinished quilt blocks (12 1/2” x 12 1/2”) by January’s meeting. We will use these blocks to construct veteran’s quilts.
Quilting Friends will meet for lunch on Friday, November 17, at 1:00 at Kitchen 33. Please RSVP to Brenda by Wednesday, November 15, if you plan to attend so we can make a reservation. There will be no luncheon in December.
Need a photo to perk up this post? Here's the next WHEAT raffle quilt being quilted. Vicki will have it ready for binding by the November meeting.