Friday, September 13, 2024

Navy Band Concert Canceled at Montpelier Center

The U.S. Navy Band Concert at the Montpelier Center today (Sept 13) has been canceled due to sickness in the band. It has been rescheduled for Oct. 20 at 5 p.m.

This is the event where Country School Quilters will have a booth and give away 4 quilts to veterans. Mark your calendars for Oct 20.  

Thursday, September 12, 2024

CSQ Luncheon on September 27

Join us for our luncheon this month on Friday, Sept 27, at 12:30. We are meeting at Lakeside Barbeque (formerly Virginia Barbeque and recommended by Betsy S.) at 6920 Lakeside Avenue, Suite E. 

Bring your projects for show and tell. Then let’s proceed to Quilting Adventures at 6943 Lakeside Avenue. The Quilting Adventures website states there is additional parking behind their building or in The Hub Shopping Center next door. These are the preferred spots. 

Please let Brenda know by Wednesday, September 25, if you can attend.  

Join us and find an inspiration for your next project!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Veterans Quilt delivery!

 I wasn't planning to make a quilt delivery to the VA Hospital representative until after the event this weekend, but I picked up so many quilts at the meeting Tuesday night that I needed to go ahead and move some out. I try not to deliver more than 30 at a time because I don't know how much storage space they actually have at the office. We had 30 more quilts so I asked if she was ready to receive more. She said "yes" and I delivered. We can add the Montpelier Center display quilts to the next delivery.

Out YTD total is now 129! That's 13 more than we made in all of 2023! I think we might hit 150 this year.

Well done ladies!

Invitation to show quilts at Verena at the Glen


WHAT:  Quilt Show

WHEN:  Thursday, October 10 2:30-4:30 pm.

WHERE:  10286 Brook Rd., Glen Allen, VA

Country School Quilters have been invited to participate in a quilt show that will be hosted by Verena at the Glen, located at 10286 Brook Rd., Glen Allen.

The event will be Thursday, October 10 from 2:30-4:30 pm. 

It will be a time to visit about your quilts with residents. 

For more information or to let her know you plan to come, please call Judy Nguyen, Life Enrichment Director at 703-362-7217 or email

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September meeting

Our September meeting is Tuesday, 9/10, at 7 pm. The program will be “Christmas Gifts and Decorations.” Bring a homemade Christmas gift or decoration you have received or made and tell why you absolutely love it. We’ll do this in a Show-n-Tell format. It might give us new ideas for gift giving and future programs on how to make some of these items. Hope to see everyone there!  We’ll start the holiday season early!