Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Registration required by Montpelier Center for Arts & Education

We may have set a new high attendance record at our first meeting in our new location.  It was  nice to see so many friends along with a new member and guest. Vicki presented a fun program on string quilts, and I bet we will see an influx of string quilts for veterans. (scroll down to see her directions)

We each need to register, one time, with Montpelier Center for Arts & Education. The QR code presented problems last night so we have a link for signing up.  I did it and found it very easy. It's just your basic information, name, email, address and phone.  PLEASE sign-up. I will also send it to Pokey so she can share it through email to everyone. One way or another, please sign up. 

The Montpelier Center would like to welcome a new club, The Country School Quilters. We're happy to host the group's monthly meetings and sewing days! All are welcome and registration is required.

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