Thursday, June 20, 2024

Our first sewing days at The Montpelier Center

 This week marked our first sewing days at the The Montpelier Center and it was fantastic. On Wednesday we had 20 people sewing and that's a record for our group!

We presented our 2024 donation quilt to Lloyd and Mary Ann. They will start selling raffle tickets for this quilt sometime in July.

The we settled in to sewing and chatting. The room is great for our purposes with lots of light and kitchen and bathrooms just down the hall. Getting in and out is easy with a ramp to roll in with all of our supplies. There's no shortage of electrical outlets either.

Here are some photos taken Thursday of some of the projects in process. There were veterans quilts, personal quilts, gift quilts, knitting, embroidery and Becky added sleeves to all of the quilts that will be exhibited July - September.

July sewing days are July 17 - 18.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June Quilting Friends luncheon

Coming up on Friday, June 28
The Quilting Friends will meet at Kitchen 33 on Friday, June 28, at 12:30 for lunch. Please let Brenda know by Wednesday, June 26, if you are coming. You may email, text, or phone her. Last month at Industrial Taphouse was fun, so bring your show and tell and be prepared to enjoy yourself.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Registration required by Montpelier Center for Arts & Education

We may have set a new high attendance record at our first meeting in our new location.  It was  nice to see so many friends along with a new member and guest. Vicki presented a fun program on string quilts, and I bet we will see an influx of string quilts for veterans. (scroll down to see her directions)

We each need to register, one time, with Montpelier Center for Arts & Education. The QR code presented problems last night so we have a link for signing up.  I did it and found it very easy. It's just your basic information, name, email, address and phone.  PLEASE sign-up. I will also send it to Pokey so she can share it through email to everyone. One way or another, please sign up. 

The Montpelier Center would like to welcome a new club, The Country School Quilters. We're happy to host the group's monthly meetings and sewing days! All are welcome and registration is required.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tutorial: Rectangle string quilt

 I always have a stash of strings stored up and one of my favorite ways to use them is for string blocks for veterans quilts. I used to make square 8" blocks but that made an odd sized quilt that weren't symmetric. I eventually realized that I could make rectangular blocks so that I would end up with 6 blocks by 6 blocks for a perfect 48" x 60" quilt. Here are 3 that I've made and I've got some basic instructions below.

This one was made with hand dyed fabrics using a medium green for the center strip.

This on was made with densely printed fabrics alternating with black strips. There's no center strip, the center is a seam. The placement of the black strips is random and they are different widths so that the end result has a lot of sparkle.

This one had an orange center strip with scrap strings of Paula Nadelstern symmetry fabrics.

These quilts are fast and easy to make. I use a foundation fabric to piece on but that's not completely necessary. I just find it easier to help me make sure that each strip is long enough. If I cover the foundation, I'm good. If you are using a center strip you will need about 3 yards for enough fabric for the center strip and binding.

Start by cutting foundation fabric blocks. You will need 36 blocks cut 9" x 11". This is a great way to use some fabrics that you no longer like. Just make sure that any print you use for the foundation doesn't show through the featured fabrics. I used up a big pile of old feedsack fabrics this way.

Also, if you are going to have a center strip, cut those too. They can be any width you want but I usually cut them between 2 and 2.5 inches, based on how much fabric I have.

It's REALLY important to note that half of the strips are placed upper left to lower right and the other half are placed lower left to upper right. 

Align the center string from corner to corner and then just start sewing the strings starting from the center out.

Cover the whole foundation just like a normal string block. The only challenging part of this quilt is trimming the blocks.

I start by drawing a center line and I measure it from the seams on each side of the center string. The center of the block isn't necessarily a line from corner to corner.

The blocks are going to be trimmed to 8.5" x 10.5" and I use painters tape on my ruler to mark that.

The painters tape helps with aligning the center line. I trim the blocks from the back so I can use the drawn center line to help line the blocks up correctly.

You just need 36 blocks.

Here are 4 blocks sewn together for demonstration. I usually sew them in rows but they can be sewn in groups of 4 like this.

Because I'm using foundation fabric, I press the seams open to help control the bulk.

Here's another one I'm working on with orange centers and blue strings.

This one is made from a horde of batik strips. There are more green ones so I'm doing half the block in green and half in all the other colors.

The batik one has a center seam so I draw a placement line 1/4 inch away from the center and then I marked the green side to make sure that I don't get my color placement wrong. Place the first two fabrics right sides together with the cut edges against the placement line. Then you 1/4" seam will be really close to the center diagonal of the block.

Monday, June 3, 2024

June Meeting at the Montpelier Center for the Arts!

 Our first meeting at the Montpelier Center for the Arts is Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 pm. You will enter the building on the left side (library side). This meeting will be in the big center room. Over the next few months we will develop our routines with the new space but we will be flexible as we get settled in.

I will be providing the program for the June meeting and it will be a demo of how I make one of my favorite veterans quilts, the string diamond.

We are paying rent in the new building and it's incredibly reasonable. For the remainder of 2024 it will be only $210 and we will donate one quilt (that has already been made) that they will use for a fundraiser. That covers our meeting and sewing days for 7 months! At the April meeting we discussed paying more for the rent. Some people wanted to do that and others didn't so we agreed to have an annual voluntary collection of donations and we will do this at the June meeting. 

If you would like to make an additional donation to MCA bring your cash or check to the meeting. Write a check if you want a personal tax deduction.

Sewing days will be June 19 - 20. We will no longer have the supplies cabinet so be sure to bring whatever you need for cutting and ironing!.

Most meetings and all of the sewing days will be in the dance studio on the side opposite of the library. Here are the dates for rest of 2024.

2024 MEETING DAYS - 7 to 8:30 p.m.
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10

2024 SEWING DAYS - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
June 19, 20
July 17, 18
August 21, 22
September 18, 19
October 16, 17
November 20, 21
December 18, 19