Thursday, April 14, 2016

Plaid Shirt Quilt

Isn't it fun when the mail truck comes up your driveway and you can't think of anything you ordered? Then it gets better when you see a box has traveled for 3,000 miles from Annie (our west coast CSQ member) and inside the small box is another carefully folded quilt top for a veteran. I had it out of the box and photographed within minutes. Annie had told me she was making a quilt from thrift store men's plaid shirts (not the flannel ones). She also said it was tricky sewing with plaids whose weaves (thread counts) are different than the quilting fabric we are used to sewing with.

Now, having said all that, I am in love with the look of this quilt. Anyone else want to start collecting and sharing plaids for veteran's quilts? 
Annie's Plaid Shirt Quilt
THANK YOU Annie for the gift of another veteran quilt
and all your inspiration!


  1. That is a terrific quilt! Annie must live close to the West coast. Love your quilt Annie!

    1. Thanks, Judy! I live on an island in Washington state. So happens we have a great thrift shop and men who obviously like wearing plaid shirts!
